Larger than life. but not over the top.
Christian, husband, father, Paleoconservative.
ENTP, III%, USMC 0352, Park University (2000).
Well traveled, good with a rifle.
About Ron Jones
TL;DR – Obligatory puffery one finds on personal sites.

How does one introduce himself to the whole world? Should I attempt to impress you with my profundity, and baffle you with my BS about “the measure of a man?” Or do I tell you what I enjoy, in hopes of finding common ground?
If you know me already, then you know that there isn’t much in the way of profound thinking that goes on up there (in my head)… so I’ll take the low road:
I’m an ordinary 50-ish man from the American South. I grew up in Decatur, Georgia to Christian parents that loved me, loved the Lord, and loved each other. I did well in school, and was athletic enough to be good at high school football, but not good enough to play college ball. When I tried out for the high school basketball team, the coach said “Jones, I want you to keep the stats for me.”
After school, I worked for a few years, but when Desert Storm came, I joined the Marine Corps, and spent just over nine years in the Infantry. I have many fond, and not-so-fond memories of those years, and would not trade them for anything.
These days, I’m married, with two great kids who are very clever, and do well in school most of the time. I enjoy working out, and have come to understand that ‘youth is wasted on the young.’ A couple of years ago, I discovered the ketogenic diet, and it fit me like a glove.
I also collect obscure, mostly out of print history books. If you’re here reading this, then it probably won’t surprise you to learn that most of what we were taught in school was either misrepresented, or completely false.
In the last couple of years, I’ve taken up some light woodworking. Specifically, building custom guitars. Which all started because I wanted to learn to play, and got caught up designing and building an ergonomic body style that would prevent repetitive stress injury.
During my time in the Corps, I had the opportunity to travel the globe. Both ’round and ’round and up and down. These experiences made me ever more thankful for growing up in the Southern United States. Consequently, I work to give my children the same appreciation for how blessed we are. I still love to travel, and am up for a visit to exotic places at the drop of a hat.
Like the typical ENTP, those are just the highlights. My interests are all over the board. I like finding the connections between everything…
…And yes. Everything IS connected…
Not in the panentheist “the source/spark is in all” sort of nonsense. But in the sense that human nature, people, actions, reactions, choices, and consequences are connected like threads across every society around the globe.
I prefer the gray man persona, though my personality sometimes sticks out like a blaze-orange jacket.
Politics and Pontification
A political junkie, and investigator of provable conspiracies, I have no idea who murdered JFK.
Nor do I have “contacts in the intelligence community,” secret access to information, or any other advantage, save for what my fairly advanced search engine manipulation can turn up.
But I can add two and two, I’m half bright, and have a knack for connecting dots.
Have you also noticed this?
Speaking of Google, Over the last 10-12 years, I have noticed a subtle shift in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) that Google returns. The search results have been edited/programmed to remove information that does not support the relentless drive towards collectivism. My knowledge of this is instinctive and anecdotal, so I have yet to be able to figure out how to prove it via simple demonstration.
Collaboration is my jam
There are a great many things I’ve learned about the world, and about human nature, that I love to discuss with other like-minded adventurers. I would enjoy hearing your take on things. Perhaps between the two of us, we can fill in some gaps.

When I registered this domain a few years ago, my intent was to collect and record things I’ve learned, places I’ve been, and odds & ends that I found interesting or humorous. Along with my opinions on life, the universe, and everything.
42 is not the answer… Which is fine, as I didn’t vote for him anyway.
But then a funny thing happened…
All hell broke loose
As I began building this site, the political climate in the United States took an ugly turn. I woke up to find that my vote was a “hate crime” according to the purveyors of corporate media propaganda.
At the time, I needed to direct my energies elsewhere, so I didn’t get the opportunity to do much with
However, It’s time… beyond time really… to fix bayonets and wade in. If we don’t get down to business right now, we will wake up to find ourselves in a collectivist shit hole, trying to avoid mass murder at the hands of collectivists who genuinely hate us, and despise our Constitutional Republic.
Best practices are out the window
Contrary to current marketing & SEO best practices, I will not focus on a single subject or field. This site is a personal project that I pursue for fun, not a for-profit endeavor (though, if I link to a product I use and like, I will use an associate link if the product is something I like).
Where I am coming from
It is only fair that you should know my biases so that you can understand the lens through which I view the world.
The short form version at the top of this page covers all the salient details, but some could use a bit of clarification:
Originally, this section took up half of this page, so I put it into a separate post, titled What is a “Christian?” Do you know the answer? it’s simple, really.
If you’ve ever taken the MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) test, you may recognize it as one of the 16 possible results. ENTP is The Inventor or The Debater depending on who you ask.
It also means I’m curious about nearly everything. I ask a lot of questions, I don’t mind admitting when I don’t have the answer, and I am willing to learn from anyone with the knowledge I seek.
Contrary to some ENTP stereotypes, I don’t have to “be right.” But I do like to “get it right.” Which is why I don’t mind asking stupid questions.
I spent nine years in the Marine Corps Infantry. 03xx is the infantry designation, my specific MOS was 0352 (TOW Missile Gunner). As the TOW missile isn’t much use without a lot of wide open country, I was able to take part in many grunt-related extracurricular training and travel.
I am a “Three Percenter.” I was blessed to be born in the United States to parents that loved me. I am thankful for that blessing. And I will protect and defend her against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Paleoconservative: Original Right, not “alt-right”
Faith, family, culture, tradition, and “America first” nationalism. Globalism is the enemy.
I am a constitutional conservative who advocates small, tightly controlled government, low spending, national sovereignty, and maximum personal freedom.
A government’s power & control over you, and its impact on your day-to-day life, should be inversely proportional to its distance from you. I would rather fight City Hall than the Department of Justice.
- Abortion is murder. Period. Full stop.
- I oppose the “New Deal,” the “Great Society,” and every other federally administered social program.
- If you simply must have social programs, they should be mandated, funded, and managed at the local level. The folks in Peoria, Illinois shouldn’t be paying for the social programs administered by Gwinnett county, Georgia.
- Open borders lead to forced integration and cultural suicide.
- I oppose interventionist foreign policy, and support the idea of closing most of our bases around the world, bringing the troops home, and putting them on our borders.
- If you don’t have borders, language, and culture… you don’t have a nation.
- I support free trade without interference. We don’t need a “free trade agreement” between governments in order for businessmen to trade freely across borders.
- I support tariffs as the sole vehicle for funding the federal government.
- I oppose income taxes on the grounds that it represents a prior lien on the fruits of your labor, which makes you a de facto slave.
- I support sales taxes as the sole vehicle for funding State and local government
- I oppose property taxes on the grounds that if you must pay taxes on a thing, then you do not own it.
- If you do not pay your property tax (rent) you will be dispossessed at gun point by employees of your county government.
- I reject political correctness as creeping fascism
- Libertarians have been infiltrated and corrupted by libertines.
- Libertines will destroy a society.
- I want you to remain free to choose your own path, and reap the rewards of your labor.
- You alone should bear the responsibility for the damage you do to yourself and others. Whether choosing childbearing before education, or abusing your body with alcohol, carbohydrates, drugs, or sex, it is your choice, and your responsibility.
- I believe in preserving the dignity of all men, and the freedom to rise to whatever level of success their intellect and industry allows.
I graduated from Park University in 2000 with a Bachelor’s degree in Finance/Management, thanks to the Marine Corps tuition assistance program. That degree, plus $2.49 will buy me a cup of coffee at Dunkin Donuts.
I have traveled this rock extensively, and am always ready for an adventure. I prefer the exotic to the luxurious (sometimes you can get both), and the challenging to the mundane. A mall is a mall in any country. But an open air street market is a pleasure. My dream job would probably involve writing or vlogging about adventure travel.
Politically Incorrect
“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” ~Evelyn Beatrice Hall (1868-1956) :-/
Anyone who tells you this is an idiot, or a liar who is trying to sound like an intellectual. You DO have an absolute right to say what is on your mind. I do NOT have to listen to your dumb ideas. Much less embrace, support, or defend them.
I will not, and should not, defend your right to express a desire to destroy my family, my culture, my nation, or my way of life. To do so would be suicide.
“We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, for any reason, at any time” should be taught, and accepted, as one of the first principles of business.
Nationalism is a good and honorable thing. Your family, kindred, tribe, or tongue should take priority for you, over others. If you’re NOT a nationalist, then you’re a globalist. We hired Trump to oppose globalism and those who seek to implement it. Further, if you are a nationalist, the color of your skin is of no importance.
There are only two genders. Anything else is a mental illness. A tranny is part of a vehicle drive train. Putting on a dress, chopping off his cock, and taking girl hormones, does not turn a man into a woman. Nor does a buzz cut, a flannel shirt, and 75 extra pounds turn a woman into a man. About the only time I ever agreed with a feminist, was when she told me she was a TERF, and then had to explain what it meant… to which I replied “well no shit Sherlock!”
Hate Speech
Anyone with a lick of sense knows that “hate speech” as a concept is nothing more than a transparent attempt to silence those who hold opinions different from whomever is in power. Further, there is no such thing as a “hate crime.” The act itself is proof of hate, and screaming ethnic slurs as you bludgeon someone does not make them any deader.
Speaking of feminists, if they are for something, then I am probably against it. Feminism is an organized effort to destroy the family, our culture, and our Constitutional Republic.
Feminism is a cancer on our society. It is the reason why men do not respect women anymore. You may hear the urban male go on about how he “respects women.” But these soy swilling fops don’t have the first clue what respect entails.
In case no one ever told you, a real man is not “intimidated by strong women.” If you are a strong woman, as defined by feminists, then good on ya. I don’t care what you think, or say, or do, and my ego isn’t fragile.
If you live in the United States, you have the same rights as any Citizen. You have the freedom to be feminist. I, however, am under no obligation to support such witchcraft. Fly, be free Jezebel. Go live your life… over there… away from me.
Let me reiterate: Abortion is murder. Have some self respect.
For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church… Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it… Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.
Excerpted from Ephesians Chapter 5. Go see for yourself.
To what degree is Christ the head of the church? Do we have “veto power?” Marriage, according to the Bible (See Ephesians and elsewhere) is a picture of the relationship between a Christian and the Lord Jesus.
Who completes whom? Is the Christian life an “equal partnership with Christ?” What does the word “reverence” mean according to the Bible? Does a man really have to be willing to give his life in defense of his wife?
The following quote by an early feminist icon should tell you all you need to know about feminism.
“The Bible and the Church have been the greatest stumbling blocks in the way of women’s emancipation.”
elizabeth cady stanton
I advocate Patriarchy and traditional gender roles. Why? Because patriarchy works. It built the society that allows women the freedom and leisure to enjoy things like air conditioning, cars, iPhones, and escalators.
A strong case can be made against Elizabeth Cady Stanton and her band of solipsistic harpies, as a primary catalyst for society’s leftward march into collectivism. Which led inevitably to the warfare/welfare state.
I lay the blame squarely at the feet of the cowardly, incontinent men, who, in the early 20th century, gave in to the original “sex strike,” raised their sons to serve the feminist imperative, and consigned their nation to the ash heap of history.
If you don’t like that, then don’t let the back button smack your ass on the way out.
On Money
Real money has intrinsic value. Watch this informative series by Mike Maloney of for more details.
On weapons
The Bill of Rights does not grant or convey a single right to you. All of the rights enumerated (written down) in the Bill of Rights are negative rights because they stipulate what Washington’s government is prohibited from doing (words mean things, read the context and grammatical structure carefully).
The right to keep and bear arms (without regard to form, function, or performance metric) is a pre-existing, natural right that is yours by virtue of the fact that you are a human being, created in the image of almighty God. It is non-negotiable, and cannot be rescinded by any king, court, general, potentate, or bureaucrat.
“Every man, woman, and responsible child has an unalienable individual, civil, Constitutional, and human right to obtain, own, and carry, openly or concealed, any weapon — rifle, shotgun, handgun, machine gun, ANYTHING— any time, any place, without asking anyone’s permission.”
L. Neil Smith (“The Atlanta Declaration”)
Any politician who claims that you, the individual Citizen, should not have the right to own and carry a weapon as you see fit… is your enemy, and the enemy of freedom. These same politicians are the very reason why the U.S. Constitution prohibits government from infringing upon your right to keep and bear arms.
On Friendship
The word “friend” means something to me. I’ve got many acquaintances, but few friends. If you’re one of my friends, I like you because of who you are, not in spite of who you are. You don’t get to be my age without lots of scars and broken bits. We all have a past. I have been redeemed. Have you?
On Manhood
I was born in Georgia (United States) and I will always be a Southern man. If you want to be respected, you earn it.
You earn respect by saying what you mean, meaning what you say, and keeping your word.
This applies equally whether you are a man or a woman. Merely having indoor plumbing does not rate you a shred of respect. You must earn it, just like any man.
Subtlety of speech is not a desirable trait.
“Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made.” (Genesis 3:1a)
A man should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, build a website, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
Robert A. Heinlein
Ranking the world
Moves/adds/changes as they occur to me.
My [only slightly] tongue-in-cheek ranking of things:
Jeep | > | Mercedes |
.45 ACP* | > | 9mm* |
7.62×51* | > | 5.56×45* |
1911* | > | Glock* |
Walther* | = | FN* |
Mountains | > | Beaches |
Austrian | > | Keynesian |
Liberty | > | Egalitarianism |
Indian | > | Harley Davidson |
Steak | > | Ribs |
Merlot | = | Cabernet |
Cardhu | > | Bunnahabhain |
Cabernet | > | White |
NginX | > | Apache |
Linode | > | Digital Ocean |
Cloudflare | > | CloudFront |
SEO | > | PPC |
Heinlein | > | Asimov |
Clancy | > | King |
Arnold | > | Dorian |
Remember, it’s Subjective
*While, I prefer .45 ACP, I feel just as safe with a 9mm or .380, as I do with a 1911. Nor am I a brand snob.
She may not be as pretty as your Wilson Combat, but my Tisas 1911-A1 is a solid piece of gear.
*I carried a M16A2 (5.56×45) in the military, and loved it, she was built to play rough, and feels good in my hands. But the 7.62 bolt rifle is also a favorite of mine.
I know that there are many variants of the 1911. Glock makes a fine weapon, to which I would trust my life, though Walther fits my hand much better. However… John Moses Browning was an artist. And that’s all I have to say about that 😉
Beer didn’t make the list, because it cannot be expressed in single words. I rarely drink beer, but when I do, I prefer something with bold flavor and a thick body, like Shakespeare Stout, or Hopsecutioner IPA. Not shallow, mass market, rice-based swill, designed to appeal to the widest possible audience.
A word on drinking: Ephesians 5:18 tells the Christian “And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;” (see also 1 Timothy chapter 3 and Titus chapter 1 & 2 on the limits of drinking alcohol).
Many Christians object to drinking altogether. I understand this, and respect their feelings on the matter. Romans 14:13-23 commands me not to eat OR drink anything that may cause a brother to stumble. So if you and I are having lunch or dinner, I will be having water or tea.
A few of my favorite things
Favorite is subjective, no doubt there will be changes. Especially with music. I’m thankful we live in an age of digital music. I don’t miss the days where only three songs per CD were any good.
I like Italian silk or wool suits, but I prefer jeans and button-down shirts. I have tattoos, but you’ll never see them. Aside from my wedding band, I have no use for jewelry. In ancient times, earrings were the mark of a slave (Deuteronomy 15:12-18), so there are no holes in my body that I wasn’t born with. I wear mostly black, gray, and earth tones. Red and gray is probably my favorite color combination.
- The Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin
- A Century of War by John V. Denson
- A Woman Rides the Beast by Dave Hunt
- The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow by Constance Cumbey
- Which Version is the Bible by Dr. Floyd Nolen Jones (no relation)
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History by Thomas E. Woods Jr.
- Forgotten History of the Western People by Mike Gascoigne
- After the Flood by Bill Cooper
- How Capitalism Saved America by Thomas J. Dilorenzo
- If you want to make God really laugh, show him your business plan by Barry J. Gibbons
- Economics for Real People – by Gene Callahan
- Without Remorse – by Tom Clancy. Honor, duty, and adventure. What’s not to like?
- …
- Full Metal Jacket – every Marine’s favorite movie. Laughter, tragedy, and Kubrick’s dark irony.
- LOTR series – “Ride of the Rohirrim” is the sort of stirring emotional scene that causes a man to fix his gaze forward, in hopes that no one notices his glistening eyes.
- Saving Private Ryan – Like a Hallmark movie, but for men. Honor, courage, and commitment. Giving yourself to a cause; sacrifice for an ideal.
- Shooter – A loner with a love of country and a sense of duty and honor. Yes, it’s a formulaic revenge tale. But it pushes the right buttons for me. I loved the books, the movie was almost as good. (skip the TV series though).
- The Bourne Series – who doesn’t like bullets, blood, intrigue, and a dirty CIA? (the last one with Renner & Weisz was just as good)
- Tombstone – “Does this mean we’re not friends anymore? You know… If I thought you weren’t my friend… I just don’t think I could bear it.”
- Grosse Point Blank – I “get” Martin Blank, minus the angsty existential crisis.
- Thank You for Smoking – one of the funniest dark comedies I’ve ever seen.
- Serenity – “I aim to misbehave.”
- Life is Beautiful – a love story that conveys joyful beauty amidst unspeakable horror. (Italian, with English subtitles)
- Fools Rush In – I don’t typically care for romantic comedy, but this one is worth watching.
- The Ugly Truth – The other romantic comedy that I enjoyed.
- …
- This Hope – my favorite gospel group. A bunch of middle-aged men based in Atlanta (though they started in Alaska).
- Chris Ledoux – wholesome, family friendly cowboy country.
- Armik – some of the most beautiful Spanish guitar I’ve ever heard.
- Berit Hagen, a.k.a. The Commander in Chief – a guitar virtuoso with an angelic voice.
- Jimmy Buffett – always a great performance.
- Two Steps from Hell – stirring instrumental epics.
- George Strait – the king of country music.
- Reel Big Fish – Yep, I like Ska (at least some of it), it’s bouncy, upbeat and just plain fun.
- …
My current soundtrack:
This is me. This is my soundtrack. If there are better songs that illustrate me, I haven’t heard them yet. But if I do, I’ll add them here. I am [literally] a dirt bag. A black-hearted sinner. But I am also a child of God.
for the record, I reject the idea of “holy water” as a substance. But you get the point.
On women:
I must be distantly related, in spirit, to Sir Mix-a-lot.
I also like bold highlights, sun dresses, tight jeans, silk lingerie, hidden tattoos, and a subtle French manicure. They look good on an affectionate, attentive, encouraging woman with an adventurous spirit, a wicked sense of humor, a dirty mind, and good genes. Culinary skills are a distant third or fourth, at best.
As a matter of fact, if your girl believes in you, shares your dream, loves on you, and encourages you… you will be so enamored that, even as she burns the water in her ratty, gray sweats and messy bun, you will gaze with misty eyes, and marvel that you have such a treasure. Trust me on this.
Sez moi
We each like to think we’re unique and different. But my tastes are probably similar to most other men.
Sophia L. | > | Marilyn M. |
Daisy Duke | > | Ellie Mae |
Mary Ann | > | Ginger |
Rhona M. | > | Scarlett J. |
Olga K. | = | Salma H. |
Gina Carano | > | [*] |
Miniskirt | < | Sundress |
Thong | = | G-string |
These are my thoughts and mine alone. I will update them as the need arises.
Ron Jones,
Lawrenceville, Georgia, USA
last updated, 07 Nov 2021
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