Up and Running With WordPress

I am exited! Over the last month, I’ve been testing, evaluating, building, and demolishing WordPress installs. Now, my research project is nearing completion, and I’m almost ready to share it with you.

A secure web presence should not be out of reach due to cost OR a lack of technical expertise. So I have made it my mission to help. I developed a tutorial designed for the solopreneur and SMB who wants a secure web presence. Additionally, this web presence is very fast, and simple to configure.

Oh… and it costs about 12% of the price of good managed VPS hosting.

Over the next couple of weeks, I will post the tutorial on my company web site. Not to worry, there will be clear configuration examples, and supporting video.

The TL;DR version is as follows:

Linode VPS, configured with Linux, Hiawatha, MariaDB, and PHP… running WordPress. A bare-bones install of Postfix enables WordPress to communicate with users and administrators.

Build and installation takes under one hour if you follow the instructions I give you.

Cloudflare provides DNS services, and the first layer of security. Though, if you choose not to use Cloudflare, Linode has an excellent DNS service. And Lets Encrypt gives you a free, digital certificate for secure web access (SSL/TLS).

That last bit is a big step forward. A couple of years ago, I purchased a digital certificate for a separate domain. Heretofore the installation was a challenge. Let’s Encrypt has automated the process so that an intelligent layman can do it in 30 minutes or less. And… did I mention it is free?

A good thing too, because https sites rank higher than their unsecured neighbors.

WordPress is wearing Dynamik Website Builder (DWB) on the Genesis framework. DWB gives you granular control of all the cosmetic elements of your site.

Speaking of cosmetic elements; when it comes to web design typography is job #1. The secret? It’s all about readability. And Google fonts makes it easy.

Bitter provides the ‘H tags’ (titles and headings), while Martel Sans takes care of the body text. Ubuntu keeps all the links and administrative details clean, yet unobtrusive.

I have enjoyed this little project, and will continue to expand the scope to see how far I can take it.

Ron Jones
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